
Is the irritant gas in wine sulfur dioxide?

2022-03-18 19:25:23

  "Pungent gas" is actually the smell that comes to our faces when we open the wine stopper. When looking at the back label of wine, we see sulfur dioxide in the ingredients. I believe many people are confused. There have even been news reports to "expose" this matter. In our industry, this reporter is really "ignorant and illiterate", but for sulfur dioxide, it is an opportunity to correct his name

  What kind of existence is sulfur dioxide?

  For people who don't understand wine, seeing sulfur dioxide is like seeing a "deadly thing", as shown in the above figure ~ because most substances with the word "sulfur" are not good in our impression Such as dilute sulfuric acid, sulfate, sulfite and sulfite And they are really poisonous. What about sulfur dioxide?

  Where does sulfur dioxide come from?

  In fact, each bottle of wine will contain a certain amount of sulfur dioxide more or less. In the process of wine fermentation, the metabolism of yeast will produce sulfite. Therefore, even if sulfur dioxide is not artificially added, wine will still contain sulfite.

  Of course, this also makes the "sulfur dioxide containing" logo very subtle. At present, many wineries will add a small amount of sulfur dioxide to keep the quality of wine stable, so there is not only sulfur dioxide produced in the brewing process, but also sulfur dioxide added manually.

  But why should every bottle of wine be marked with "sulfur dioxide"? Sulfur dioxide and alcohol may become allergens, but many people do not know that wine contains sulfur dioxide, so the general wine label will clearly mark "containing sulfur dioxide".

  According to the survey, one in 100 people is allergic to sulfur dioxide. If these people drink wine, they may cause headaches, nasal congestion, skin flushing, dyspnea, nausea, abdominal pain, dizziness and other symptoms. People with asthma should be especially careful~

  What is the role of sulfur dioxide?


  In the process of wine fermentation, there are many unnecessary bacteria or fungi. These fungus substances, like the yeast applied by the winemaker, will have some unnecessary effects on the grape juice. Sulfur dioxide can effectively inhibit the growth of these fungi.


  The existence of sulfur dioxide undoubtedly provides a "protective film" for fresh raw materials. It can combine with raw material components before oxygen, so as to prevent the reaction between raw materials and oxygen.

  Therefore, almost all wines need sulfur dioxide to protect themselves in the brewing process, so as to maintain fresh color. It is worth mentioning that even natural wines that advocate no additives must use sulfur dioxide to prevent premature wine decay.

  Can sulfur dioxide cause harm to human body?

  The World Health Organization stipulates that the sulfur dioxide (specific weight) inhaled by each person every day should be controlled within 0.7mg (/ kg), otherwise, the human body will be poisoned. According to the adult weight of 60kg, as long as the free sulfur dioxide is less than 42mg, it will not have an undue impact.

  Generally speaking, as long as you don't pour a whole bottle of wine at a time, the free sulfur dioxide in it will not cause any adverse effects; As for more than a whole bottle, I believe alcohol is what you need to worry about more. In short, we should learn to be moderate in everything we do, especially drinking.

  Will sulfur dioxide affect wine tasting?

  The answer is yes. If the winery wants to maximize the fresh fruit flavor in the wine, the winery will use reducing winemaking, that is, use sulfur dioxide to avoid oxidation reaction, but excessive use of sulfur dioxide will make the wine produce rotten egg flavor.

  However, the taste will slowly disappear after a period of sobering up. So how to buy a bottle of wine with low sulfur dioxide content or wine without artificial addition of sulfur dioxide? If the label of a bottle of wine says "make from organically grown grapes", it does not mean that it does not contain sulfite;

  U.S. law stipulates that wine labeled "organic wine" cannot contain any artificially added sulfur dioxide.

  Sulfur dioxide content in common foods

  The sulfur dioxide content in wine is really not the highest. Don't look at the surface of everything. Don't easily make a conclusion for them before they are clear. What the world fears most is biased eyes. Sometimes what you see is not terrible, but what you can't see is the most terrible~